Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring Cleaning - a way to refresh the wardrobe

Hey foxy ladies!
So in preparation of spring, after much procrastination, I have decided to finally tackle my avalanche of clothes and rebuild my closet. Admittedly, I am a shopaholic. Since it is so rare to find hot clothes in my size I tend to just buy up every piece that I love regardless of if I have an occasion for it. Probably not the healthiest for my wallet or my closet, but alas that is the case.

Once or twice a year, I take a big haul of clothing that I rarely wear down to my favorite vintage store Re/Dress in Brooklyn, a secondhand store for size 12 and up. I feel great about sharing the fashion wealth and giving other curvy girls a chance to love the clothes that I have loved but don;t use enough to keep. What I love most is that after donating clothes, I earn store credit which I can then use to snag a few new pieces, thus freshening up my style for free! If you are in NYC, I strongly suggest you do this. Out with the old and in with the new!
Some of the cute spring, retro finds at Re/Dress, 109 Boerum Pl, Brooklyn NY
Even after a few rounds of closet purging, I still seem to be overwhelmed by my wardrobe and have just realized after "doing inventory" and trying to reorganize that I had no idea what I really owned. SO I suggest this: shop your closet!!

Go through the whole thing, accessories included and see what you have. In there you most likely will find styles that have been in there so long that they have come back into style! So try on everything and make sure that you still love the way it fits and that it's age appropriate. It's OK to keep a few things that you had 10 years ago only if you can update it and make it fit a more grown-up you.

For example, that kilt that used to be part of some sexy school girl outfit you wore to a freshman year party can now be worn with a sweater and tights for a sophisticated look, but that sequin tube top has to go. There are no "pimps and hos" theme parties to wear that to over the age of 20. Sorry.

Here are some of FoxyRoxy's tips on what to revive and what to give away: 

Keep your eye out for any of the following that you may own that are now hot pieces for spring: 
1. Nude, flesh tones
2. Lace
3. Fringe - but I don't mean that old flapper costume. Think leather fringed bags instead.
5. Bold, jewel tones - not neon. Neon colors are very hard to pull off and not look dated
6. Platforms and espadrilles - yep they are back!

Time to move on from: 
1. Leggings!! This trend rarely looks good on anyone and has to stop. EIther wear tights and a skirt or wear pants. Leggings don't count as pants in our opinion.
2. Cheap spandex clothing. Some spandex tops still can look cute, but most do not stand the test of time due to poor quality or dated patterns
3. Bubble hems and balloon tops - remember that awkward trend in '06 of gathered, bubble skirts or blouson tops that are banded at the waist? Not sure why they were everywhere or why I owned some, but yikes. Toss 'em!
4. Graphic tees. It is OK to keep a few of them that you love but since they have been everywhere for years you might have accrued too many by now
5. Old lingerie - bras and panties can not last a lifetime and often lose shape or get tattered. Same goes for basic tops and tanks. Go shop for some new undies and be sure to get a bra- fitting if it has been a while
6. One-sleeved tops. This look is pretty much done

Hope you have fun getting ready for the new season and get a new look for free!

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